Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life at the Porters

Life is interesting don't you think? We have been busy ourselves trying to figure out how to get through school, work, (yes those are both Matt) have fun, and grow as a family. It is extremely trying at times just to let the Lord take control and do what we know we have to do. We feel ready to finally hit school straight on and do what we feel needs to be done as a typical stepping stone in life and our hopeful that finances will fall into place.
I (Heidi) have done a few photo shoots to fill in the money gaps and am hopeful that if I can get my business organized we will be doing fine. Unfortunately our entire family budget and work (photo work) spread sheets have disappeared. (STUPID PC!) At least I love my extremely old Mac and believe it or not the thing works a lot smoother than the less then year old PC. So, we will be spending our nights and weekends (after Matt starts school I've got to get in the time with him while I can) redoing all our accounting and hopefully it will be better organized in the end.
Jaxson has dealt with my less then happy mood now and again while I try and focus on the big picture. I get easily overwhelmed with how little I know about budgeting and accounting and all my efforts that have not ended well. Time to try again. What a good kid he is! He seriously acts more adult then I do at times. He knows exactly when I am overwhelmed and always asks what's wrong. I just don't like not knowing things. HA HA!
We have a lot of fun together (Jaxson and I). He has an excellent imagination! We like to dance, read, sometimes sing, play ninja turtles, and go over all his comic book heroes. He also likes to cook which means a few of our meals have been mixed in bowls on the floor. I can't believe how much he has already picked up from Matt and I in his 2 1/2 years. It is so true that you need to be an example and teach kids while they are young. I'm so grateful we made some of the goals that we did before we had him and stuck to them even when he was too young to know what was going on.
Matt and I are gearing up for weeks of alone time or mom time depending on who we are talking about as summer school looms ever nearer. We feel ready for the challenge that Matt is taking on and think that we are finally in a place in our lives where we can handle this better than we have in the past. I have loved the long talks and many prayers that have gotten us here even though they were rough and am ready for the ones that will be coming no doubt. I love that man so much I can't stand it. Seriously, I don't think there is a guy on the planet that is so sweet and to me! I really don't deserve ya babe. So, wish him luck with school and give me a call I will have time to spare!
Also I have been greatly uplifted lately by many around me and a few books I have read about Motherhood and finally understand why it is so hard (not that that will make it any easier) I am frustrated by the way the world looks at us (mothers) and doesn't see success. Are you kidding me? There is nothing more successful than this! It is so trying at times but would I really rather spend my days at the stock exchange or pushing numbers? NEVER! So, why is it that the world thinks I should? They just don't get it... and probably never will. I'm so glad I am a mother. Nothing in this world has made me try so hard to learn, grow, work hard, and be an all together better person then having someone put in my responsibility to teach. I think most the time we just don't feel up to the challenge but if I couldn't handle it he wouldn't be here and honestly I think I would still be the laziest person ever! (really, i was lazy!) So to all of you mothers out there that may read this know that you are doing something amazing! You ARE contributing to society! This doesn't mean life is over for you and you will never get to do anything for you ever again but you will have to sacrifice. What better way to learn! Just love those kids they are worth it and so are you! Enjoy the challenge nothing will make you better than those kids.

Love you all!
the Porters


Chris and Mel said...

good luck girly... nothings better than ones to love

Brandi said...

I am so on the same page! Life has never been more difficult for me than it is now, but at the same time, life has never been better. I'm sure you can relate to that. Sometimes the pain in the struggle helps you to feel greater joy in the triumphs. You are a great mom and I feel lucky to have you as a sister and friend. I have a feeling we will be spending more time together with our husbands gone 24/7!
