Friday, December 5, 2008

Family Pictures

We got around to taking some more family pictures for our Christmas card. Just so you know it is significantly harder to take your own pictures then someone else's even if you are a photographer so even though I love getting the pictures printed it does take me awhile to get around to taking ours. Anyways here are a few.
Minus the few we put as our title. Enjoy!


Cleverly Triple said...

WOW! I am SUPER impressed you can take your own family pictures and have them turn out so fabulous!!!! I've tried a number of times and it is pretty much impossible for me. I can never get everyone smiling and looking at the camera at the same time, let alone posed perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I love your pictures!!! They turned out great and Heidi you look absolutely beautiful!

Shanna said...

You are so awesome! I really really like the second one!

Kayla Lynn Simmons said...

Heidi these are adorable! I want an adorable family just like yours one day. Love ya

{Quinci} said...

I love the pictures Heidi! You guys are so stinking cute. Lets play soon!

Kelly Family said...

Heidi your pictures are amazing! You are so talented to take your own family pictures! I adore you. You look gorgeous and your family is adorable!

Chris and Mel said...

you guys are too cute! well, i know this is last second and all, and seriously no pressure... my mom is trying to get a family picture together and i just thought of you. don't know how your weekend after christmas looks or if you are even in town, but if you're up for it on friday or saturday we'd love to have you take a pic for our fam :) let me know! and let me know how much and all that jazz... have a fabulous holiday.
