Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day

We had a lot of fun this Valentines. We didn't bother trying to find a babysitter but let Jaxson join in on the fun though after ALL that fun we did put him to bed early. He had a little too much sugar and was off the walls.

Jaxson got a new book (I wish that I had duck feet) which is Matt's all time favorite kids book and of course some spiderman chocolates. He also happened to get a new pair of shoes which weren't exactly for Valentines but came at the same time....so...

Matt got his favorite homemade dinner fettucini alfredo, garlic bread and banofee pie. It was SO good! He also got a fantastic massage and we watched a very less then entertaining movie.?!?

Lucky me got some lovely and quite sweet Valentines notes hidden all over in my clothes pockets. Jaxson told me he loved me cause I was princess leia and also that I taught him how to play pirates and say ARR. (which I did!) Then Matt played the guitar and sang the song 1,2,3 which was probably my favorite gift. I love when he plays for me.

So Valentines was a big hit at our house. Enjoy the pics.

This picture is of our valentines fort. Jaxson helped me make it for Matt. We quite enjoy making forts. I guess we just like to hide out. :D

This is a picture of Jaxson's Valentine's gift to Matt. We traced his footprints and taped them all over the floor. Matt followed them to the fort all the while reading the funny things Jaxson said about why he loves his Daddy. (my personal fav because he has his OWN ninja turtles. ?! who knows?)


{Quinci} said...

man i have decided jaxson can't take a bad picture at all he is such a stud.

Anonymous said...

That is one cute kid you've got! And I might just have to steal you date night at home idea, I think that would be so much fun!
